For dino-lovers Mike and his little brother Andy, there's nothing as exciting as the Dinosaur Card Trading Fair. Andy's in heaven on his 7th birthday when Mom lets Mike take him for the very first time. Mike really wants a T. Rex card, but to get it, he's going to have to trade. He needs three Allosaurus cards to get a T. Rex, but has only one. This is going take some wheeling and dealing.
Helping children to comprehend the concept of equivalent values is key to their understanding of equations.
Illustrated by Kevin O'Malley.
Read the story with your child (or students) and use the diagrams to discuss each of the trades made. Ask questions such as, " How many Allosaurus does it take to equal 1 Tricerotops?"
Cut out rectangles of different colored construction paper and use them to represent each of the dinosaur cards in the story. Reread the story and have your child (or students) act out trading cards.
On 16 index cards draw different groups of coins. Each card should have a match that shows the same amount of money in different coins (for example, two quarters would match five dimes). Turn the cards face down. On alternating turns each player exposes 2 cards. If the cards match, the player keeps them and gets another turn. The player with the most cards wins.